Welcome to the SIGGRAPH Arts Review
Editorial by Cynthia Beth Rubin, interim editor
Welcome to the first edition of the SIGGRAPH Arts Review. With the launch of this new publication, we are taking one more positive step forward in building community among the diverse artists who are contributing to the ongoing evolution of the field of Computer Graphics. Beyond promoting communication among arts people, we also are providing an easy and accessible way for our counterparts on the computer science side of the SIGGRAPH community to read about our projects, our perspectives, and our dreams.
The SIGGRAPH Arts Review will be the peer reviewed counterpart to our newly launched Digital Arts Community networking site. The social networking site provides the means for everyone to join in, to renew old contacts, to find new collegiate friends, and to find potential collaborators, and to see each others artwork. We encourage all readers of the SIGGRAPH Arts Review to join this on-line community.
The SIGGRAPH Arts Review will provide an opportunity for in depth discussion of artist projects, perspectives, and commentaries on interesting new directions. We are also interested in featuring articles from our computer science colleagues that are written for the visual artist audience, as well as thoughtful reviews of relevant exhibitions, and historical perspectives.
Our content on the Digital Arts Community site will change frequently, reflecting our current interests and accomplishments. The SIGGRAPH Arts Review, in contrast, will be catalogued and archived. As the Digital Arts Review matures into a full publication, we will format our texts for inclusion in the frequently used ACM Digital Library, This will provide another practical way for our community to join in sharing, influencing, and exchanging ideas.
We want to provide interesting reading, but we also want to provide a way for us to find out more about each other's paths in the future. When we reach those pivotal points in our artist process when we are ready to reflect on our work and articulate our influences and outcomes, we might take a bit of time to write a text tracing this development in a way that makes it accessible for others. The new era is coming, one in which computer scientists and artists and everyone else with an interest in what happens when art is made with the tools of computer graphics can learn about not just the outcomes of what is produced, but the research and reason behind it. Who knows what that will lead to?